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Red Mirror invokes the trope of "Evil Twin" and challenges players to kill their own before they can kill you. 

Creating enemies from this pamphlet is quick, easy and fun. If your players have made their characters you are already 75% done. The only task left to do is to invert your players decisions and roll on a couple of tables. 

The "Nemesis" rules will challenge most players and they may be difficult to overcome. Luckily the reward for besting your double is worth it in the form of unique traits. 

This enemy generator can be used in almost any setting at almost any time making it extremely flexible and useful. Plus on a psychological level your players will love that the challenge is essentially all about themselves.

 If you need a mind bending plot twist or just something to keep your mercenaries on their toes, Red Mirror won't disappoint.


Red Mirror is a FIST supplement that helps GMs to create high-powered enemy agents.

The PDF is 2 pages, with a clean, readable, and well-organized layout.

The rules in Red Mirror are simple and easy to follow, and produce direct foils to the PCs. Red Mirror foes have their own stats, apply penalties to PCs who interact with them, and have similar Traits---though used in different ways.

They also drop unique Traits when defeated---which is difficult, because their high HP and damage and the penalties they apply make them beastly hard to face. The Traits they drop are extremely strong, however, and make for a good reward when the PCs eventually managed to drop one.

Overall, this is a cool, impactful add-on for any game of FIST. It's not difficult to use, and it adds some very memorable fights to any other FIST content you're running. Pick it up if you have the chance.